Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hello all
Yes, its Monday again. Back to work after a relaxing weekend. I work in a prison in
country Victoria. I have worked there for nearly 8 years and it is never boring. I started out as a correctional officer and now work in the area of training and supporting staff to do their jobs more effectively. I enjoy the variety the job provides, the entertaining characters I get to meet and work with ( staff and inmates). Today was spent running around chasing people up for meetings, following up on paperwork, advising prisoners and staff on various issues and entering data onto the computer. I have training with the staff next week, so I am also putting together the session I am to present, including a powerpoint presentation. It is all coming together very nicely.
The staff at the prison are like a great big family. Everyone is so supportive of each other. Of course we all have our moments, but when the chips are down, we are all there for each other.
I came to work there after many years in hospitality and retail, interspersed with raising my family. Although it can be frustrating at times, I really do love it. I don't know whether we are making any difference to anyone's lives, but I like to think we are at least trying. It has certainly changed my life. I am a much more confident person than I was before; much more likely to speak my mind and be assertive. I am comfortable standing in front of a large group of people and speaking, I have learnt to communicate more effectively, and my people management skills have improved. I have recently completed Certificate 4 in Workplace Trainer and Assessor, so I have another string in my bow.
What will tomorrow bring? Who knows? Probably more of the same, but that's okay with me.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Relaxing Sunday

Hello all
I am having a lovely relaxing Sunday.
I have been out early for a bike ride. We have a lovely lake and wetland area with a 3.5 km walking/cycle track around it. It is an absolute mecca for birdlife, and is a very popular spot for walkers, cyclists, birdwatchers, fisherman, and small boats. The weather was calm and sunny and there were quite a few people out and about, including many dog walkers. Everyone is so friendly, greeting each other with a "good morning" as they pass by.
There were lots of black swans and ducks on the lake and plenty of noise from various parrots in the trees overhead. I will have to identify the many different kinds of birds for those of you who may be interested, and I will take my camera and get some shots to put up.
The children are catered for as well, with a pretty playground at one end of the lake, and a small rock climbing wall and other activities at the other end. The botanical gardens are adjacent to the south side of the lake with many picnic and barbecue areas to enjoy.
All this is only a short walk to the main shopping centre in the town, yet once off the main road, it is quiet and serene.
Enjoy your Sunday everyone. I plan to.

Friday, January 9, 2009

First post

Hello all
This is my first post.
I hope to add something useful and worthwhile each day, whether it is a commentary on the day's events, a daily quote, hints, tips, or just my own thoughts.
We shall see where it all leads and what becomes of it.
First of all, a little about myself. I am a 48 year old female from Victoria, Australia. I have 4 children, 3 grandchildren (with another due at the end of Feb.), I work as a correctional officer, I am a keen cook, love photography, travelling, walking and cycling, reading and good movies.
I love learning about the human condition and the why's of human behaviour.
I will be sharing recipes, photos, book and movie reviews, and anything else that occurs to me.
I leave you with my thought for today: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison